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Les plantes à huile des zones arides: un or vert pour les populations défavorisées des pays du sud
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Nombre de messages : 264
Age : 51
Localisation : Planète Terre / France - Mexique
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2007

Népal Empty
MessageSujet: Népal   Népal Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Avr - 17:31

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Nombre de messages : 264
Age : 51
Localisation : Planète Terre / France - Mexique
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2007

Népal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Népal   Népal Icon_minitimeDim 29 Avr - 14:01

"The objectives of the project are:

To mobilise the economically marginalised in the enhancement and utilisation of natural oil seed resources to supply clean energy, to promote economic enterprise and agricultural production and to protect the environment and health of the rural poor.

  • Establishment of perennial oil-bearing plants (Jatropha curcas L.) on marginal lands and field boundaries.
  • Effective utilisation of plant parts, oil and oil cakes at domestic, farm, village and commercial scales to stimulate a demand for the resources and related technology.
  • Introduction of engine driven oil expelling and related technology fuelled on the seed oil of Jatropha curcas L. as a pilot/ demonstration plant.
  • Marketing and the establishment of rural enterprise.
  • Dissemination.
  • Evaluation of the potential of other oil bearing flora as fuels.

To reduce the dependence of the Nepalese economy on imported oils, fuels and chemical fertilisers.

To mitigate carbon dioxide emissions.

For further information contact:

Dr Mick Boswell
Director Oil Seed Project
Visiting Professor RECAST
Tribhuvan University

E-mail: himal.proj@wlink.com.np "
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 :: RESEAU Jatropha - Monde-
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